Really Important People!
Mrs. Frank is one of the other kindergarten teachers.
Mrs. Veres is Mrs. Franks kindergarten associateThis is Mrs. Nichols. Mrs. Nichols is our ELL (English Language Learners) Teacher. She pushes into our classroom during center time. She is a wonderful member of the team working with kindergartners this year. Not only does Mrs. Nichols assist and support students that are acquiring English, she always steps up to help any child who needs a bit of help. Thanks Mrs. Nichols!This is Mrs. Bethancourt. Mrs. Bethancourt is one of the social workers in our building. She comes in to our classroom on Tuesdays and teaches a weekly Second Step lesson. The kids really enjoy Mrs. Bethancourt's lessons, especially when she brings puppets.
This is Dr Grom and Mrs. Stone. They are two of the reading specialists in our building. They occasionally push into our classroom and work to reinforce reading skills with students in small groups. These teachers also teach our extended kindergarten day. Depending on what we are working on groups are always changing.This is Mrs. Barty. Mrs. Barty is one of occupational therapists. She pushes in our room for our weekly penmanship lesson.
These are our building secretaries. The keep Millburn Elementary sailing along smoothly.This is Mrs. Vanko, our school nurse. She is wonderful comfort to our students who are not feeling well. Also, a never ending supplier of band-aids for Mrs. Jazo!
These are our wonderful librarians, Mrs. Dekorsi, Mrs. Piat, and Mrs. Wescott.