Specials Classes
All kindergartners will attend a "special" class for 45 minutes. These classes are; Art, Computers, Music and Gym twice a week.
Instead of attending these classes on a Monday, Tuesday schedule we will be using a rotating schedule. Frequently we have non-attendance days on Mondays and early dismiss days on Wednesdays. Classes that are scheduled on these days are missed more than others. In order to correct this we will be running on a 5 day rotation so a group will not miss classes. Therefore, our schedule will be as follows"A" day = Gym
"B" day = Music
"C" day = Art
"D" day = Gym
"E" day = Computers
****Scroll to the bottom of this page to view the specials monthly calendar****
This is Mrs. Dajka our Computer teacher.
This is Mr. Lacey our Art teacher.
This is Mrs. Michel and Ms. Hoetzer our Gym teachers.
This is Mr. Gorr our Music teacher.
We are lucky to have these outstanding teachers at Millburn!