Millburn Elementary - 5th Grade
Dear 5E students, parents, and guardians,
I am very excited to start this new school year. There are so many fun things that are being planned for this coming year and I can't wait to share them with you. Before we get too far, I would like to ask that you participate in something that I came across.
This is a program that allows me to text you important information without having access to your cell phone. Information that I may send would be field trip reminders, test reminders, kudos to the class, etc. I would expect no more than one text a week.
Welcome to 5E!!
Parents -
I am very excited to be teaching 5th grade this year. My goal for each student is for each of them to grow and learn to the best of their ability, to become independent by advocating for themselves in order to obtain their personal and educational goals. I cannot wait to see the successes of each and every one of them!
Students need to arrive at school on time and be prepared. This will contribute to them being successful students.
Based on the PBIS model, the classroom rules determine what each child will do for themselves and for others. When making up the rules as a class, first and foremost, RESPECT heads up both. The students agreed that if you have Respect for yourself and others, the classroom will be a safe and comfortable learning environment. The other rule is Listening when others are speaking.
Related Files
VersaTile Video
Congratulations to the students who participated in this video. It was student created and directed. Great Job!!
Related Links
Science Quiz
Click on test. Then enter, on the right hand side, 30 questions. Take the test, check answers and raise hand.