Sixth Grade
Sixth grade AIM students will spend most of the first and second quarter participating in the First Lego League (FLL) program. This program incorporates research, real world problem solving, collaborative learning, presentation skills, programming and character education, as students work together to accomplish tasks.
This year's theme is "Hydrodynamics". Students are working in small groups to come up with a solution that improves the way people find, transport, use or dispose of water. During their research, they will consult with experts and share their ideas with people who have experience in their chosen field, in order to obtain feedback that will help them revise and refine their ideas. Students will use the design thinking process, as they EMPATHIZE in order to understand what is important to the animal or person affected, DEFINE the problem, IDEATE or brainstorm creative solutions, design a PROTOTYPE or representation of their ideas, and then TEST their ideas by sharing with those who can benefit from them, and using feedback to revise and define their solution.In addition, students will program an EV3 robot to complete missions designed by Lego League. They will program their robot to travel around the mission table, avoid obstacles and accomplish tasks like collecting water, activting a pump, replacing a broken pipe and put out a fire.The culminating event for FLL is a competition to be held in December. Students will have a chance to showcase their projects, their programming and robot design skills and also demonstrate how they have learned to work together, as a cohesive team.
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Inspiring Ted Talk given by a young boy who came up with a way to live peacefully with lions