IXL Program

  • Students in Grades K-5 have access to use IXL. IXL is a personalized learning program that allows students to work on literacy and math skills at their level. Students can access this via their iPad or on any web-based browser. Contact your child's teacher for login information. 

    How It Works


IXL Smart Score

  • When a student starts practicing a skill, the SmartScore starts at 0. As the student answers questions correctly, the SmartScore increases. If a question is answered incorrectly, the score decreases. However, the SmartScore is not just based on the percentage of questions correct. It is calculated using many factors, including the number of questions completed, question difficulty, and consistency, and offers superior accuracy in assessing student achievement.


    A skill is mastered when the SmartScore reaches 100, but the number of questions it takes to master a skill varies with every student. To continuously motivate students, IXL recommends setting other practice milestones along the way to mastery. A score of 80 is good, and a score of 90 is considered excellent. When a student finally achieves skill mastery, you can be confident that they truly understand the skill.


    Good= 80-89

    Excellent= 90-99

    Mastered = 100

How Can You Help at Home?

  • Access Your Child's Reports

    To access the reports, all you need to do is sign in to your child’s account and click on Analytics. There you can choose from five reports—Usage details, Trouble spots, Score chart, Questions log, and Progress & improvement—to learn more about your child’s progress and see exactly what they are doing!


    Strategies for Parents during School Breaks