Our Science Curriculum is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. A great resource our teachers use is Mystery Science. Lessons are aligned to NGSS and students are engaged in the content of the lessons. Watch a quick video on Mystery Science HERE.
Here is the overview of topics that are covered in science throughout the school year:
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it's more important than ever that our students are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions. These are the kinds of skills that students develop in science, technology, engineering, and math—disciplines collectively known as STEM. If we want a nation where our future leaders, neighbors, and workers can understand and solve some of the complex challenges of today and tomorrow, and to meet the demands of the dynamic and evolving workforce, building students' skills, content knowledge, and literacy in STEM fields is essential.
There will be four sessions of STEM for students throughout the year. Each session will be 7-8 straight days of STEM during their science time. During these days, students will be doing a combination of STEM and technology activities in the STEM lab.