Music Class Grade Level Framework
Big Concepts: Singing songs & playing instruments
Performance: Concert on stage near the end of the school year.
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Demonstrate pulse. Experience fast and slow music. Demonstrate long and short sounds.
Experience short rhythm patterns through speech, body percussion, and unpitched instruments.
Experience meter (2/4, 4/4, 6/8). Differentiate between sounds and silence.
Develop a repertoire of songs (folk, seasonal, multicultural, patriotic). Establish proper vocal tone productions.
Develop a repertoire of songs (folk, seasonal, multicultural, patriotic). Establish proper vocal tone productions. Differentiate between high and low sounds.
Experience melodies including Mi and So. Demonstrate sounds moving up and down.
Experience pulse against rhythm. Demonstrate proper mallet technique.
Experience same and different section in music. Establish phrase. Explore time, space, shape, and force in movement.
Identify unpitched percussion. Explore dramatic play.
1st Grade
Big Concepts: Reading lyrics & reading rhythms
Performance: Patriotic Showcase typically around President's Day
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Demonstrate pulse in groups and individually. Identify pulse.
Differentiate between sound and silence. Experience fast and slow music.
Identify fast and slow as 8th notes and quarter notes. Experience meter (2/4, 4/4, 6/8).
Differentiate between high and low sounds. Relate high and low sounds to “up and & down.” Develop a repertoire of songs (folk, seasonal, multicultural, patriotic).
Develop a repertoire of songs (folk, seasonal, multicultural, patriotic). Experience melodies including So, Mi, and La.
Experience melodies including So, Mi, and La. Identify melodies using hand signals. Demonstrate contour.
Develop proper mallet technique. Demonstrate simple bordun. Experience ostinato.
Experience same versus different sections in music.
Identify phrases in music.
Identify the repeat sign.
Identify unpitched percussion. Differentiate between vocal qualities (speak, sing, whisper, shout).
Differentiate between vocal qualities (speak, sing, whisper, shout). Demonstrate dynamics. Classify unpitched percussion.
Identify four levels of body percussion (snap, clap, pat, stamp). Classify pitched percussion.
Second Grade
Big Concepts: Reading & writing rhythms
Performances: Musical Review on stage typically in the Winter or early Spring
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Demonstrate quarter note and half note pulse. Identify 8thnotes in pairs and as singles. Identify two quarter notes tied together as a half note. Label half note.
Identify two quarter notes tied together as a half note. Label half note. Identify two quarter rests as a half rest. Label half rest. Define tempo.
Experience meter (2/4, ¾, 4/4, &6/8). Recognize time signature.
Demonstrate contour. Demonstrate proper vocal technique. Develop a repertoire of songs. Experience melodies including Mi, Re, & Do. Identify Do & Re scale tones and hand signals. Perform melodies including La, So, Mi, Re, & Do.
Develop proper mallet technique. Demonstrate ostinato.
Demonstrate ostinato. Experience major/minor. Experience vocal ostinato.
Experience vocal ostinato. Demonstrate simple bordun. Experience suspended pitch.
Demonstrate phrase.
Demonstrate phrase. Identify Coda. Identify up to three sections. Explore time/space/shape/force in movement. Identify bar-line/double-bar/measure.
Demonstrate hand drum technique.
Identify forte/piano. Identify pitched percussion. Identify accent.
Third Grade
Big Concepts: The Musical Instrument Families & reading music in parts.
Performances: Mini-Musical in the Spring.
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Demonstrate pulse using quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, and whole notes. Label whole notes, whole rests, dotted half notes, and 16th notes. Experience questions/answer technique. Demonstrate conducting in patterns of 2 and 3.
Demonstrate proper vocal technique. Develop a repertoire of songs (folk, seasonal, multicultural, patriotic).
Demonstrate proper mallet technique. Experience ostinato. Distinguish between major and minor tonalities. Demonstrate a simple bordun. Label canon/round. Demonstrate score reading (two-part).
Demonstrate phrase. Identify interlude. Experience extended form.
Differentiate between crescendo and decrescendo. Identify and classify instrument families. Demonstrate accent. Identify fermata.
4th Grade
Big Concepts: Reading notes on the treble clef staff and writing individual music.
Performances: Please consider enrolling your student in choir, band or both!
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Demonstrate pulse. Demonstrate question/answer technique. Label 8th rest.
Experience accelerando and ritardando. Label pick-up notes.
Visualize 6/8 time. Demonstrate conducting a pattern of 3. Identify triplet.
Develop a repertoire of songs (folk, seasonal, multicultural, patriotic). Identify treble clef lines and spaces. Demonstrate question/answer. Experience countermelody. Identify ledger lines. Experience scale.
Demonstrate proper mallet technique. Experience canon and round. Experience ostinato.
Demonstrate simple bordun. Distinguish between major and minor tonalities.
Demonstrate moving bordun. Experience I-V cadences.
Demonstrate phrase. Experience rondo. Label D. C. al Fine. Experience additive form.
Identify pianissimo and fortissimo. Identify and label instrument families.
5th Grade
Big Concepts: The Classical Music Periods, Musical Styles, Recording Projects, & Composer Research Project.
Performances: Please consider enrolling your student in choir, band or both!
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Demonstrate pulse. Identify dotted rhythms and 16th & 8th note combinations. Demonstrate question/answer. Demonstrate conducting and a pattern of 4.
Develop a repertoire of songs (folk, seasonal, multicultural, patriotic). Review treble clef lines and spaces. Demonstrate question/answer. Label melody and accompaniment
Demonstrate proper mallet technique. Experience canon and round.
Experience ostinato. Distinguish between major and minor tonalities.
Demonstrate part singing. Experience 3-partscore reading.
Demonstrate phrase. Experience rondo. Label 1st and 2ndendings. Experience additive form. Label Theme and Variations.
Demonstrate musical expression through speaking, singing, and moving. Identify mezzoforte. Identify orchestral families. Explore found sounds.