Welcome to Mrs. Krupa's Math page!
Millburn Elementary School uses ConnectEd for our Math series. Click on the bold "ConnectEd " name below to access the website:
Front Row Classroom
Check out this great website for differentiated math instruction! Students can use this website to help them understand the many different math strategies learned throughout the year!
Your Class code is: yun6ca
Prodigy Math Game
Check out another great website for differentiated math instruction! Students get to create their own wizard and explore "Prodigy Island"! Throughout the game, students will be asked to solve differentiated math problems that focus on the students specific ability level. Students also have the ability to interact with other students playing around the world (under an alias name- created during login) by partaking in math challenges using their "super powers".
Your Class code is: 4B4104
Power My Learning
This website will allow you to complete assigned games that match with each chapter of math that you are learning. There are also a variety of activities that you can look up and play on your own to enhance your reading, writing and language arts skills!
Your Class code is: 689331
Xtra Math
This website will help you practice the basic math facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Your PIN will be provided to you on the first day of login. You will need to write it in your assignment notebook to access it after that.
*Below are Math Games that are divided into each math chapter. Click the name of the game and it will lead you to the game link! Enjoy! : )
Chapter 1: Place Value
Chapter 2: Multiply Whole Numbers
Chapter 3: Divide by a One-Digit Divisor & Chapter 4: Divide by a Two Digit Divisor
Chapter 5: Add & Subtract Decimals
Chapter 6: Multiply and Divide Decimals
Chapter 7: Operations & Algebraic Thinking
Chapter 8: Fractions & Decimals
Chapter 9: Add & Subtract Fractions
Chapter 10: Multiply & Divide Fractions
Chapter 11: Measurement
Chapter 12: Geometry