Letter of the week
Mm- Mimi Mouse
Ss- Sammy Seal
Rr- Reggie Rooster
Aa- Andy Apple
Pp- Pippa Pig
Bb- Benny Bear
Cc- Callie Cat
Tt- Tiggy Tiger
Nn- Nyle Noodle
Ff- Fifi Fish
Dd- Dudley Duck
Gg- Gertie Goose
Ii- Iggy Iganua
Kk- Keely Kangaroo
Ww- Willy Worm
Hh- Hattie Horse
Ll- Larry Lion
Oo- Ozzie Octopus
Xx- Mr. X-ray
Vv- Vinny Volcano
Ee- Edna Elephant
Jj- Jumping Jill
Yy- Yetti yo-yo
Uu- Umbe Umbrella
Zz- Zeldia Zebra
Qq- Queenie Queen