Classroom Procedures





    Mrs. Frank's Classroom Procedures



    Students arrive on the buses in the back of the school building.  I will meet the children as they are released from their buses.  Kindergarten students will be released first off all the buses!  Over a period of two weeks or more the children will gradually be taught how to get from the bus to the classroom. If you choose to drive your child to school please park your car in the front parking lot and wait in the foyer (not the office) until I pick the students up on our way to the classroom.  When departing school, the children will be escorted either to you for pick-up or to the hand delivered to their bus until they feel more comfortable and independent.  Please do not pick-up your child from the playground or from the bus loading area.  Also, please do not tell older siblings to pick up your child in the Kindergarten classroom.


    *Please allow your child to start out the year as confident and independent as possible.


    Bus Rules

    Please discuss the rules that are outlined in the school’s Parent/Student Handbook with your child.  Kindergarten students are expected to observe, learn and respect school bus rules.  Please emphasize that for your child’s safety, he/she is expected to stay seated at all times during the bus trip. 


    Dismissal Changes

    Please send an email to notify the office and I of any change in your child’s dismissal routine.  The email should be sent to: 

            847-245-4825       and

    Permanent changes in your child’s bus schedule may only be made at the beginning of the month and there is a special form to fill out to notify the transportation department.  You can find this form on the school’s web page at 


    Daily Take Home Folder

    Please check your child’s Take Home folder daily for written communication from school.  All notes that your child is bringing to school should be put inside the Take Home folder.  There is a special place for children to put this “mail” in our classroom.  The children are encouraged and expected to turn these notes in on their own.  The Take Home folder will also contain completed school projects, a behavior sheet, and homework.  There will be days when the folder is stuffed, and there will be days that there will be no “mail” to bring home at all.

    Contacting Mrs. Frank

    Please use email as the primary method of contact.  I am able to check email throughout the day.  During the school day, you can call direct to our classroom and leave a message on my voice mail, the phone does not ring until all children have been dismissed.  I generally do check these messages first thing in the morning, at lunch and at the end of the day.  I will not be able to check my messages during class.  My contact information is:

    (847) 245-4825


    Please remember that if you need to notify the school of an absence or inform us of a change in pick-up plans you need to either email or call the main office. 


    Absences are reported to

    The office number is (847) 356-8331.


    Please label all envelopes that include cash or checks with your child’s name, the amount of money enclosed and the specific reason for payment.  Please do not include money for two items in the same envelope.

    The School Day


    This room is a NUT FREE CLASSROOM!  Kindergartners bring their own snack each day.  I encourage these snacks to be nutritious!   A list of acceptable snacks will be provided at Parent Night.  If you choose to send in a drink, please no juice boxes or sugar drinks.  Small water bottles are ideal.  I will have a stash of extra snacks for the occasional days when a child does not have a snack. 


    Children will attend physical education twice a week.  Gym shoes are required.  Please provide a clean pair of shoes to keep at school for gym.  Please label the heels of your child’s shoes with their name.  Velcro closures are recommended but not required.


    Children will visit the library once a week to check out an interesting or favorite book.  Your child is permitted to have one book out at a time.  Your child must return the book by the following week in order to check out a book at our next library visit.  If you misplace a book or have questions regarding a book your child checked out, please contact the library so that they can assist you.  I strongly encourage you to keep your child’s library book in their backpack at all times.

    Here is our Specials Schedule:

    "A" day is Art Day

    "B" day is PE 1 Day

    "C" day is Technology Day

    "D" day is PE 2 Day

    "E" day is Music Day


    Please see attached letter.  Treats on Birthdays are no longer permitted!  

    Other important items…



    In January, your child will begin bringing home a weekly reading bag with a reading book.  Each child will have specific day of the week they will read with me and need to have their book and book bag back to school on that day.  I do encourage you to read, read, read to your child and keep those books in the backpack.  Reading regularly at home has an incredible impact on your child’s future reading ability.  If you take your child on vacation during the school year, missed work will not be made up!


    If your child has food allergies please inform the school and myself.

    Toys From Home

    Please help your child keep these items at home.  Not only are they distracting, but they can be broken or lost.  

    Appropriate Dress/Winter Clothes

    Children’s clothing and shoes need to be functional and safe.  Please dress your child comfortably and according to the weather.  Keep in mind that we have messy projects.  When purchasing coats and boots, please make sure your child can put them on independently.  It is also a good idea to label everything, including each boot, with your child’s name. 

    Book Clubs

    Approximately once a month your Kindergartner will have the opportunity to choose and order from Scholastic Book and Software Clubs.  Participation in these clubs is not mandatory, but certainly encouraged.  Every order placed helps to add to our classroom library.  Once an order is placed, the books are usually received within two weeks. 

     I look forward to an exciting year!  Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns!!!